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Lets hear about what you've seen


Postby Deathlok » Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:33 pm

Right, saw this twice now....

Enjoyed it immensely. Craig is the best Bond, yes even better the Sean Connery. There! I said it.

This being the 50th anniversary, there are more than enough nods and winks to the past. Craig has many more witty one liners than his previous two films put together. I liked the extra humour, but would not want to see any more than that. In fact, I'd prefer they dialled it down a notch.

The villain is quite good, but if you study his methods against his motivations, they are somewhat lacking. Without giving anything away, he has a very complicated plan to do something which is actually quite simple.
Mind you I get the impression the character is as mad as a box of badgers, so perhaps we can excuse it.

Bond`s character was delved into a bit, but to be honest, things could have been taken further and deeper. But then again the film would have had to be over three hours long in that case. I wouldn't mind but others might.

Some people say the film dragged a bit in the third act. I don't agree, I think it was paced quite well. I am not a fan of quick cuts and in your face action every five seconds.

The last scene of the movie is pure Bond, across the ages. Once you see it, you will know exactly what I mean.

Out of 10, I'll give Skyfall a 9.
It ain't the years honey, it's the mileage.
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Re: Skyfall

Postby luckyno12 » Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:41 pm

I have it pre-ordered from Amazon, who has upgraded me to the Steelbook limited edition for free!

I'll finally get to see the film when it gets delivered! :roll:
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Re: Skyfall

Postby luckyno12 » Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:02 pm

Watched it on Saturday night and loved it!
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