Disable hibernation

If you are beginning to struggle with space on your hard drive and you don't have another drive or partition to move things onto, then this will help you.
Most Vista and Windows 7 systems ship with hibernation enabled. This means that whatever the amount of RAM in your machine, there will be a correspndingly sized hibernation file. There is no GUI method to disable hibernation, so we need to launch a command prompt, as an administrator and take care of it that way.
Click Start (or the Windows Logo) -> All Programs -> Accessories.
In this folder you will see an entry labeled Command Prompt. Right-click this entry and select "Run as administrator."
At the command prompt, type "powercfg -h off" (without the quotes) and press Enter.
Unfortunately there's no confirmation message to indicate whether or not you were successful.
But we can confirm this for ourselves by typing "dir /a:h c:\hiberfil.sys" (again, without the quotes) and pressing Enter. If we were successful then you should get a message which says "File Not Found."
Voila! We have just disabled Hibernation and freed up some disk space. But if you decide that you want to enable Hibernation later you can do so by following steps 1-3 again, but this time specify "on" instead of "off" during step 3.
Note: If you get a User Account Control dialog during any of the above steps you can simply click Continue.
Most Vista and Windows 7 systems ship with hibernation enabled. This means that whatever the amount of RAM in your machine, there will be a correspndingly sized hibernation file. There is no GUI method to disable hibernation, so we need to launch a command prompt, as an administrator and take care of it that way.
Click Start (or the Windows Logo) -> All Programs -> Accessories.
In this folder you will see an entry labeled Command Prompt. Right-click this entry and select "Run as administrator."
At the command prompt, type "powercfg -h off" (without the quotes) and press Enter.
Unfortunately there's no confirmation message to indicate whether or not you were successful.
But we can confirm this for ourselves by typing "dir /a:h c:\hiberfil.sys" (again, without the quotes) and pressing Enter. If we were successful then you should get a message which says "File Not Found."
Voila! We have just disabled Hibernation and freed up some disk space. But if you decide that you want to enable Hibernation later you can do so by following steps 1-3 again, but this time specify "on" instead of "off" during step 3.
Note: If you get a User Account Control dialog during any of the above steps you can simply click Continue.