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Draytek 2850n VDSL

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Draytek 2850n VDSL

Postby Deathlok » Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:49 am

Right then, if you want to use your own device on BT Infinity rather than the BT supplied modem etc. Here is some information if you want to use a Draytek 2850n VDSL device on a PlusNet connection

Log onto the Draytek and go to WAN > General Setup
  • Change the DSL mode to "VDSL only" - This will make router reboots quicker and eliminate the need to use the draytek supplied VDSL/ADSL filter (do not confuse this with a standard micro filter)
  • Further down the same page, enable VLAN tag insertion for VDSL and input "101" as the tag value
  • Click the "OK" button at the bottom

You may need to reboot the router at this point, if so just, log back in to the router

  • Go to WAN > Internet access and on the right hand side click the "Details page" button
  • Input the required user name and password as supplied by the Infinity provider
  • Change the protocol type to "PPPoE"
  • Click the "OK" button at the bottom

You will almost certainly have to reboot the router again.

I also changed settings in VDSL > VDSL Setup
Having checked the VDSL information in Online status > Physical connection I then altered the VDSL2 profile to only use 17a
This appears to allow the router to get a "showtime" connection quicker to the provider than by leaving all profiles enabled.

If there is a server on site and it is configured a DNS server, I would also strongly recommend changing the DNS forwarders to those which the router picks up and can be viewed via Online status > Physical connection.
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