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Health and nutrition

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Health and nutrition

Postby Deathlok » Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:00 pm

In my quest to become healthier and fitter, I have just purchased two new books for my reference and education.

The China Study - T. Colin Campbell PhD

The Health Delusion - Glen Matten MSc and Aiden Gogging MSc

The China Study
  • Details the connection between nutrition and disease. Especially with regards to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity. The biggest killers in the Western world today. The author actually grew up on a dairy farm and saw his Father die at an early age from a heart attack. This appears to have been one of the factors in him becoming an authority on the subject of nutrition and health.

The Health Delusion
  • This book reports to cut through all the misinformation about health and nutrition. Exposing "shocking truths" about our diet, health and the pharmaceutical and food industries that want to maintain their profits, regardless of what it does for our health. Details how the media misleads us for the sake of headlines. How do we put things right? This book says it can help.
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