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Hot Toys Spider-Man

PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:38 pm
by Deathlok
Currently bidding on a Spider-Man figure.....
It looks absolutely mint. Will look good next to my already pre-ordered CR Superman. I hope I get it.

Here's a shot of what he looks like.


Re: Hot Toys Spider-Man

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:31 pm
by UseLess

I see you have some spammers... ;)

Re: Hot Toys Spider-Man

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:12 am
by luckyno12
Deathlok wrote:Currently bidding on a Spider-Man figure.....
It looks absolutely mint. Will look good next to my already pre-ordered CR Superman. I hope I get it.

Here's a shot of what he looks like.


Image not appearing. :(

Re: Hot Toys Spider-Man

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:34 am
by Deathlok
I didn't win it BTW... :cry:

Re: Hot Toys Spider-Man

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:43 am
by luckyno12
Does look cool, though.

Re: Hot Toys Spider-Man

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:23 pm
by Deathlok
Just bought this off of ebay... from "Jeff bricks and toys online"

This version of Spidey is not being made anymore as far as I can tell and could not find anywhere in the UK that could supply them at a reasonable price. Amazon wanted over £230 + shipping for it.

ebay? £176 including shipping from Hong Kong...

Pictures will be posted!

Re: Hot Toys Spider-Man

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:12 pm
by Deathlok

It's on its way. But is coming via economy international freight, which means 30-40 days passage...
Oh well, I'm not in a hurry.

Re: Hot Toys Spider-Man

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:02 pm
by Deathlok
It arrived last night, took 59 days! Perhaps I'll pay the extra postage next time...

Here are a few images... Sorry for the lack of quality, taken on my iPhone.
Let's start with the box itself, which is really nice.

Click on any image to embiggen!

Box front

Box rear

This is cover sheet that is inside the box, over the figure itself

Inside sheet

Shot of everything inside, left the plastic cover on, dumb move.

All stuff

Couple of quick shots out of the box

Spidey back

Spidey front

I certainly did not realise that the webbing on the costume is very thin rubber/plastic! A neat touch but means this will have to be treated with kid gloves.

Not exciting I know. However, if I ever get to have somewhere to put them, then I will attach strong magnets to a small, clear, strong rubber band and place them on his feet and hands. Get a thin steel sheet and cover it in an appropriately dimensioned brickwork pattern. After which Spider-Man will be a true wall crawler!